The p-n Junction![]() Junctions are crucial to many semiconductor applications. The oldest method of making a p-n junction is by diffusion. The dopant diffuses in under heating so that the surface acceptor concentration exceeds the donor concentration. A junction appears when N d =N a Another doping technique is ion implantation. The starting material, n-type only, is bombarded with the required species of ions, say acceptors. This produces sharper junctions, but causes damage to the crystal lattice structure increasing the number of dislocations and interstitial atoms. Epitaxial deposition techniques are now widely established. The starting material is a single crystal in all cases, so it is possible to grow further crystal layers which are in register with the starting crystal. The most precise although most expensive way of achieving this is Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). Ions of the semiconductor together with dopants are fired at the crystal surface. Under the right conditions (ultrahigh vacuum, correct ion fluxes, correct substrate temperature) the crystal grow epitaxially with the required dopant included. This technique can produce very sharp junctions and there is no counter-doping, i.e. no donors in the p-type region. Discussion on fabrication from crystal growth to etching, other expitaxial growth methods, up to metalisation and etching is outlined here . We are supposed to be discussing p-n junctions!
We now consider a p-n junction in the absence of voltage
bias, so that it is in thermodynamic equilibrium. This means that the
chemical potential
In the region where the bands are bending,
We now calculate charge, electric field and potential. First we find
the band offset.
(1) assuming N A =0 on the n-side. On the p-type side, we have
(2) assuming N D =0 on this side. These give
(3) Using the definition of the intrinsic density n i (24, semiconductor basics) , gives
This is the difference in the electrostatic potential between the two sides
The variation of
(5) across the junction can be calculated as long as the variations with x of N D and N A are known. If we assume an abrupt junction then the charge distribution has the form:
(6) where w p and w n are the semi-widths of the depletion region on the p-side and n-side; values for them will be found later. The electric field satisfies Gauss' law:
(8) The boundary conditions are E=0 for x<-w p and x>w n since the junction is in equilibrium. The solution of (8) is therefore,
(9) Furthermore, E must be continuous at x=0, which gives
(10) As seen from the figure, this is simply the condition of electrical neutrality of the whole depletion region. The variation of E with x given is shown in (d)
together give
Recall that
The dependence on T and on the doping deserves comment. Assuming for
simplicity N
(equal doping on both sides), so
that the factors
(15) The logarithmic dependence is very weak compared with the denominator, so: w increases as T increases w decreases as doping N A +N D increases
The application of p-n junctions depends on having an applied
voltage so that a current flows through the junction. With a voltage V
applied a difference eV appears between the values of
Forward Bias
Reverse Bias
The calculation of
(17) There is a charge separation in the depletion region. Thus the depletion region behaves like a capacitor, and the capacitance is given by
(18) Where A is the area of the junction (in the y-z plane). This has the useful property that the capacitance can be varied by applied voltage. In practice, reverse bias is needed so that the current flow is small. A p-n junction device used as a voltage-variable capacitor is known as a varactor diode. The important property of a p-n junction is the current-voltage characteristics. A derivation requires discussion of diffusion and recombination of carriers. The result is
(19) where the predominant temperature dependence of I 0 is given by
(19) The first semiconductor lasers where made from heavily doped p-n junctions. Under conditions of forward bias the electrons and holes would recombine at the barrier junction producing some laser emission at high currents. These devices were inefficient and had high threshold currents as the majority carriers tended to drift away from the junction interface. It was soon discovered that more efficient lasers could be produced by the implementation of a heterostructure design.